

Who am I?

Well, that’s a loaded question if I’ve ever heard one! I’d love to dive into a lengthy exposition about my life story, complete with dramatic twists and turns, but let’s be real - we’d be here all day. And besides, I’ve got a whole dedicated site for that sort of thing.

Remember that custom-built site I mentioned in my hello-world post? That’s where all the juicy details about yours truly reside. So, if you’re itching to know more about the person behind these witty (or so I hope) tech ramblings, why not take a little digital field trip over to my main portfolio site?

There, you’ll find everything from my professional background to my personal interests. It’s like my online home - minus the dirty laundry.

So, go ahead and click that link. Don’t worry, this blog won’t get jealous. It knows it’s my favorite place to geek out about tech. But for the full “Who is this Jeevesh character?” experience, my personal site is where it’s at.